Abhishek N. Kulkarni
AboutI am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Autonomy at the University of Texas at Austin, working with Prof. Ufuk Topcu. I earned my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in 2023, under the guidance of Prof. Jie Fu. Prior to that, I completed an M.S. in Robotics Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, in 2021, also under the mentorship of Prof. Jie Fu. My research spans the interdisciplinary fields of computer science, control, and decision-making, with a strong emphasis on game theory, formal methods, motion planning, and multi-agent systems. Recently, my work has focused on advancing these foundations to address challenges in multi-agent systems and large-scale, LLM-driven games involving language-based negotiations. I am deeply passionate about leveraging mathematical and computational rigor to tackle real-world problems, particularly in the domains of autonomy, robotics, and the security of cyber-physical systems. ResearchMy currrent research employs formal methods and logic and game-theory to design trustworthy and cognitively realistic autonomous systems that enables them to exhibit human-like behaviors such as opportunism, deception, and preference-aware planning. My current projects include:
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