Source code for spot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2014-2019  Laboratoire de
# Recherche et Développement de l'Epita (LRDE).
# This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
# Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import sys

if sys.hexversion < 0x03030000:
    sys.exit("This module requires Python 3.3 or newer")

import subprocess
import os
import signal
import tempfile
from contextlib import suppress as _supress

if 'SPOT_UNINSTALLED' in os.environ:
    # When Spot is installed, will be in the same directory as
    # spot/, however when we run Spot's test suite, Spot is not yet
    # installed and we want "from . import _impl" (generated by Swig4) to look
    # into .libs/

# We may have third-party plugins that want to be loaded as "", but
# that are installed in a different $prefix.  This sets things so that any
# file that looks like spot-extra/ can be loaded with "import".
for path in sys.path:
    if path not in __path__:
        path += "/spot-extra"
        if os.path.isdir(path):

from spot.impl import *
from spot.aux import \
     extend as _extend, \
     str_to_svg as _str_to_svg, \
     ostream_to_svg as _ostream_to_svg

# The parrameters used by default when show() is called on an automaton.
_show_default = None

def setup(**kwargs):
    """Configure Spot for fancy display.

    This is manly useful in Jupyter/IPython.

    Note that this function needs to be called before any automaton is
    displayed.  Afterwards it will have no effect (you should restart
    Python, or the Jupyter/IPython Kernel).

    bullets : bool
        whether to display acceptance conditions as UTF8 bullets
        (default: True)
    fillcolor : str
        the color to use for states (default: '#ffffaa')
    size : str
        the width and height of the GraphViz output in inches
        (default: '10.2,5')
    font : str
        the font to use in the GraphViz output (default: 'Lato')
    show_default : str
        default options for show()
    max_states : int
        maximum number of states in GraphViz output (default: 50)
    import os

    s = ('size="{}" edge[arrowhead=vee, arrowsize=.7]')
    os.environ['SPOT_DOTEXTRA'] = s.format(kwargs.get('size', '10.2,5'))

    bullets = 'B' if kwargs.get('bullets', True) else ''
    max_states = '<' + str(kwargs.get('max_states', 50))
    d = 'rf({})C({}){}'.format(kwargs.get('font', 'Lato'),
                               kwargs.get('fillcolor', '#ffffaa'),
                               bullets + max_states)
    global _show_default
    _show_default = kwargs.get('show_default', None)
    os.environ['SPOT_DOTDEFAULT'] = d

# In version 3.0.2, Swig puts strongly typed enum in the main
# namespace without prefixing them.  Latter versions fix this.  So we
# can remove for following hack once 3.0.2 is no longer used in our
# build farm.
if 'op_ff' not in globals():
    for i in ('ff', 'tt', 'eword', 'ap', 'Not', 'X', 'F', 'G',
              'Closure', 'NegClosure', 'NegClosureMarked',
              'Xor', 'Implies', 'Equiv', 'U', 'R', 'W', 'M',
              'EConcat', 'EConcatMarked', 'UConcat', 'Or',
              'OrRat', 'And', 'AndRat', 'AndNLM', 'Concat',
              'Fusion', 'Star', 'FStar'):
        globals()['op_' + i] = globals()[i]
        del globals()[i]

# Global BDD dict so that we do not have to create one in user code.
_bdd_dict = make_bdd_dict()

__om_init_tmp = option_map.__init__

def __om_init_new(self, str=None):
    if str:
        res = self.parse_options(str)
        if res:
            raise RuntimeError("failed to parse option at: '" + str + "'")

option_map.__init__ = __om_init_new

@_extend(twa, ta)
class twa:
    def _repr_svg_(self, opt=None):
        """Output the automaton as SVG"""
        ostr = ostringstream()
        if opt is None:
            global _show_default
            opt = _show_default
        print_dot(ostr, self, opt)
        return _ostream_to_svg(ostr)

    def show(self, opt=None):
        """Display the automaton as SVG, in the IPython/Jupyter notebook"""
        if opt is None:
            global _show_default
            opt = _show_default
        # Load the SVG function only if we need it. This way the
        # bindings can still be used outside of IPython if IPython is
        # not installed.
        from IPython.display import SVG
        return SVG(self._repr_svg_(opt))

    def highlight_states(self, states, color):
        """Highlight a list of states.  This can be a list of
        state numbers, or a list of Booleans."""
        for idx, val in enumerate(states):
            if type(val) is bool:
                if val:
                    self.highlight_state(idx, color)
                self.highlight_state(val, color)
        return self

    def highlight_edges(self, edges, color):
        """Highlight a list of edges.  This can be a list of
        edge numbers, or a list of Booleans."""
        for idx, val in enumerate(edges):
            if type(val) is bool:
                if val:
                    self.highlight_edge(idx, color)
                self.highlight_edge(val, color)
        return self

class twa:
    def to_str(a, format='hoa', opt=None):
        format = format.lower()
        if format == 'hoa':
            ostr = ostringstream()
            print_hoa(ostr, a, opt)
            return ostr.str()
        if format == 'dot':
            ostr = ostringstream()
            print_dot(ostr, a, opt)
            return ostr.str()
        if format == 'spin':
            ostr = ostringstream()
            print_never_claim(ostr, a, opt)
            return ostr.str()
        if format == 'lbtt':
            ostr = ostringstream()
            print_lbtt(ostr, a, opt)
            return ostr.str()
        raise ValueError("unknown string format: " + format)

    def save(a, filename, format='hoa', opt=None, append=False):
        with open(filename, 'a' if append else 'w') as f:
            s = a.to_str(format, opt)
            if s[-1] != '\n':
        return a

class twa_graph:
    def show_storage(self, opt=None):
        ostr = ostringstream()
        self.dump_storage_as_dot(ostr, opt)
        from IPython.display import SVG
        return SVG(_ostream_to_svg(ostr))

def make_twa_graph(*args):
    from spot.impl import make_twa_graph as mtg
    if len(args) == 0:
        return mtg(_bdd_dict)
    return mtg(*args)

[docs]@_extend(formula) class formula: def __init__(self, str): """Parse the given string to create a formula.""" if type(str) == formula: self.this = str else: self.this = parse_formula(str) def show_ast(self): """Display the syntax tree of the formula.""" # Load the SVG function only if we need it. This way the bindings # can still be used outside of IPython if IPython is not # installed. from IPython.display import SVG return SVG(_str_to_svg(self.to_str('d'))) def _repr_latex_(self): return '$' + self.to_str('j') + '$' def to_str(self, format='spot', parenth=False): if format == 'spot' or format == 'f': return str_psl(self, parenth) elif format == 'spin' or format == 's': return str_spin_ltl(self, parenth) elif format == 'utf8' or format == '8': return str_utf8_psl(self, parenth) elif format == 'lbt' or format == 'l': return str_lbt_ltl(self) elif format == 'wring' or format == 'w': return str_wring_ltl(self) elif format == 'latex' or format == 'x': return str_latex_psl(self, parenth) elif format == 'sclatex' or format == 'X': return str_sclatex_psl(self, parenth) elif format == 'mathjax' or format == 'j': return (str_sclatex_psl(self, parenth). replace("``", "\\unicode{x201C}"). replace("\\textrm{''}", "\\unicode{x201D}")) elif format == 'dot' or format == 'd': ostr = ostringstream() print_dot_psl(ostr, self) return ostr.str().encode('utf-8') else: raise ValueError("unknown string format: " + format) def __format__(self, spec): """Format the formula according to `spec`. Parameters ---------- spec : str, optional a list of letters that specify how the formula should be formatted. Supported specifiers -------------------- - 'f': use Spot's syntax (default) - '8': use Spot's syntax in UTF-8 mode - 's': use Spin's syntax - 'l': use LBT's syntax - 'w': use Wring's syntax - 'x': use LaTeX output - 'X': use self-contained LaTeX output - 'j': use self-contained LaTeX output, adjusted for MathJax Add some of those letters for additional options: - 'p': use full parentheses - 'c': escape the formula for CSV output (this will enclose the formula in double quotes, and escape any included double quotes) - 'h': escape the formula for HTML output - 'd': escape double quotes and backslash, for use in C-strings (the outermost double quotes are *not* added) - 'q': quote and escape for shell output, using single quotes or double quotes depending on the contents. - '[...]': rewrite away all the operators specified in brackets, using spot.unabbreviate(). - ':spec': pass the remaining specification to the formating function for strings. """ syntax = 'f' parent = False escape = None form = self while spec: c, spec = spec[0], spec[1:] if c in ('f', 's', '8', 'l', 'w', 'x', 'X', 'j'): syntax = c elif c == 'p': parent = True elif c in ('c', 'd', 'h', 'q'): escape = c elif c == ':': break elif c == '[': pos = spec.find(']') if pos < 0: raise ValueError("unclosed bracket: [" + spec) form = form.unabbreviate(spec[0:pos]) spec = spec[pos+1:] else: raise ValueError("unknown format specification: " + c + spec) s = form.to_str(syntax, parent) if escape == 'c': o = ostringstream() escape_rfc4180(o, s) s = '"' + o.str() + '"' elif escape == 'd': s = escape_str(s) elif escape == 'h': o = ostringstream() escape_html(o, s) s = o.str() elif escape == 'q': o = ostringstream() quote_shell_string(o, s) s = o.str() return s.__format__(spec) def traverse(self, func, *args): if func(self, *args): return for f in self: f.traverse(func, *args) def map(self, func, *args): k = self.kind() if k in (op_ff, op_tt, op_eword, op_ap): return self if k in (op_Not, op_X, op_F, op_G, op_Closure, op_NegClosure, op_NegClosureMarked): return formula.unop(k, func(self[0], *args)) if k in (op_Xor, op_Implies, op_Equiv, op_U, op_R, op_W, op_M, op_EConcat, op_EConcatMarked, op_UConcat): return formula.binop(k, func(self[0], *args), func(self[1], *args)) if k in (op_Or, op_OrRat, op_And, op_AndRat, op_AndNLM, op_Concat, op_Fusion): return formula.multop(k, [func(x, *args) for x in self]) if k in (op_Star, op_FStar): return formula.bunop(k, func(self[0], *args), self.min(), self.max()) raise ValueError("unknown type of formula")
@_extend(atomic_prop_set) class atomic_prop_set: def _repr_latex_(self): res = '$\{' comma = '' for ap in self: apname = ap.to_str('j') if not '\\unicode{' in apname: apname = "\\unicode{x201C}" + apname + "\\unicode{x201D}" res += comma comma = ', ' res += apname res += '\}$' return res def automata(*sources, timeout=None, ignore_abort=True, trust_hoa=True, no_sid=False, debug=False, want_kripke=False): """Read automata from a list of sources. Parameters ---------- *sources : list of str These sources can be either commands (end with `|`), textual representations of automata (contain `\n`), or filenames (else). timeout : int, optional Number of seconds to wait for the result of a command. If None (the default), not limit is used. ignore_abort : bool, optional If True (the default), skip HOA atomata that ends with `--ABORT--`, and return the next automaton in the stream. If False, aborted automata are reported as syntax errors. trust_hoa : bool, optional If True (the default), supported HOA properies that cannot be easily verified are trusted. want_kripke : bool, optional If True, the input is expected to discribe Kripke structures, in the HOA format, and the returned type will be of type kripke_graph_ptr. no_sid : bool, optional When an automaton is obtained from a subprocess, this subprocess is started from a shell with its own session group (the default) unless no_sid is set to True. debug : bool, optional Whether to run the parser in debug mode. Notes ----- The automata can be written in the `HOA format`_, as `never claims`_, in `LBTT's format`_, or in `ltl2dstar's format`_. .. _HOA format: .. _never claims: .. _LBTT's format: .. _ltl2dstar's format: If an argument ends with a `|`, then this argument is interpreted as a shell command, and the output of that command (without the `|`) is parsed. If an argument contains a newline, then it is interpreted as actual contents to be parsed. Otherwise, the argument is assumed to be a filename. The result of this function is a generator on all the automata objects read from these sources. The typical usage is:: for aut in spot.automata(filename, command, ...): # do something with aut When the source is a command, and no `timeout` is specified, parsing is done straight out of the pipe connecting the command. So for aut in spot.automata('randaut -H -n 10 2 |'): process(aut) will call `process(aut)` on each automaton as soon as it is output by `randaut`, and without waiting for `randaut` to terminate. However if `timeout` is passed, then `automata()` will wait for the entire command to terminate before parsing its entire output. If one command takes more than `timeout` seconds, `subprocess.TimeoutExpired` is raised. If any command terminates with a non-zero error, `subprocess.CalledProcessError` is raised. """ o = automaton_parser_options() o.debug = debug o.ignore_abort = ignore_abort o.trust_hoa = trust_hoa o.raise_errors = True o.want_kripke = want_kripke for filename in sources: try: p = None proc = None if filename[-1] == '|': setsid_maybe = None if not no_sid: setsid_maybe = os.setsid # universal_newlines for str output instead of bytes # when the pipe is read from Python (which happens # when timeout is set). prefn = None if no_sid else os.setsid proc = subprocess.Popen(filename[:-1], shell=True, preexec_fn=prefn, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if timeout is None: p = automaton_stream_parser(proc.stdout.fileno(), filename, o) else: try: out, err = proc.communicate(timeout=timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # Using subprocess.check_output() with timeout # would just kill the shell, not its children. os.killpg(, signal.SIGKILL) raise else: ret = proc.wait() if ret: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(ret, filename[:-1]) finally: proc = None p = automaton_stream_parser(out, filename, o) elif '\n' in filename: p = automaton_stream_parser(filename, "<string>", o) else: p = automaton_stream_parser(filename, o) a = True # Using proc as a context manager ensures that proc.stdout will be # closed on exit, and the process will be properly waited for. # This is important when running tools that produce an infinite # stream of automata and that must be killed once the generator # returned by spot.automata() is destroyed. Otherwise, _supress() # is just a dummy context manager that does nothing (Python 3.7 # introduces nullcontext() for this purpose, but at the time of # writing we support Python 3.4). mgr = proc if proc else _supress() with mgr: while a: # the automaton is None when we reach the end of the file. res = p.parse(_bdd_dict) a = res.ks if want_kripke else res.aut if a: yield a finally: # Make sure we destroy the parser (p) and the subprocess # (prop) in the correct order. del p if proc is not None: ret = proc.returncode del proc # Do not complain about the exit code if we are already raising # an exception. if ret and sys.exc_info()[0] is None: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(ret, filename[:-1]) # deleting o explicitly now prevents Python 3.5 from # reporting the following error: "<built-in function # delete_automaton_parser_options> returned a result with # an error set". It's not clear to me if the bug is in Python # or Swig. At least it's related to the use of generators. del o return def automaton(filename, **kwargs): """Read a single automaton from a file. See `spot.automata` for a list of supported formats.""" try: return next(automata(filename, **kwargs)) except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError("Failed to read automaton from {}".format(filename)) def _postproc_translate_options(obj, default_type, *args): type_name_ = None type_ = None pref_name_ = None pref_ = None optm_name_ = None optm_ = None comp_ = 0 unam_ = 0 sbac_ = 0 colo_ = 0 def type_set(val): nonlocal type_, type_name_ if type_ is not None and type_name_ != val: raise ValueError("type cannot be both {} and {}" .format(type_name_, val)) elif val == 'generic': type_ = postprocessor.Generic elif val == 'tgba': type_ = postprocessor.TGBA elif val == 'ba': type_ = postprocessor.BA elif val == 'cobuchi' or val == 'nca': type_ = postprocessor.CoBuchi elif val == 'dca': type_ = postprocessor.CoBuchi pref_ = postprocessor.Deterministic elif val == 'parity min odd': type_ = postprocessor.ParityMinOdd elif val == 'parity min even': type_ = postprocessor.ParityMinEven elif val == 'parity max odd': type_ = postprocessor.ParityMaxOdd elif val == 'parity max even': type_ = postprocessor.ParityMaxEven elif val == 'parity min': type_ = postprocessor.ParityMin elif val == 'parity max': type_ = postprocessor.ParityMax elif val == 'parity odd': type_ = postprocessor.ParityOdd elif val == 'parity even': type_ = postprocessor.ParityEven elif val == 'parity': type_ = postprocessor.Parity else: assert(val == 'monitor') type_ = postprocessor.Monitor type_name_ = val def pref_set(val): nonlocal pref_, pref_name_ if pref_ is not None and pref_name_ != val: raise ValueError("preference cannot be both {} and {}" .format(pref_name, val)) elif val == 'small': pref_ = postprocessor.Small elif val == 'deterministic': pref_ = postprocessor.Deterministic else: assert(val == 'any') pref_ = postprocessor.Any pref_name_ = val def optm_set(val): nonlocal optm_, optm_name_ if optm_ is not None and optm_name_ != val: raise ValueError("optimization level cannot be both {} and {}" .format(optm_name_, val)) if val == 'high': optm_ = postprocessor.High elif val.startswith('med'): optm_ = postprocessor.Medium else: assert(val == 'low') optm_ = postprocessor.Low optm_name_ = val def misc_set(val): nonlocal comp_, unam_, sbac_, colo_ if val == 'colored': colo_ = postprocessor.Colored elif val == 'complete': comp_ = postprocessor.Complete elif val == 'sbacc' or val == 'state-based-acceptance': sbac_ = postprocessor.SBAcc else: assert(val == 'unambiguous') unam_ = postprocessor.Unambiguous options = { 'any': pref_set, 'ba': type_set, 'cobuchi': type_set, 'colored': misc_set, 'complete': misc_set, 'dca': type_set, 'deterministic': pref_set, 'generic': type_set, 'high': optm_set, 'low': optm_set, 'medium': optm_set, 'monitor': type_set, 'nca': type_set, 'parity even': type_set, 'parity max even': type_set, 'parity max odd': type_set, 'parity max': type_set, 'parity min even': type_set, 'parity min odd': type_set, 'parity min': type_set, 'parity odd': type_set, 'parity': type_set, 'sbacc': misc_set, 'small': pref_set, 'statebasedacceptance': misc_set, 'tgba': type_set, 'unambiguous': misc_set, } for arg in args: arg = arg.lower() fn = options.get(arg) if fn: fn(arg) else: # arg is not an know option, but maybe it is a prefix of # one of them compat = [] f = None for key, fn in options.items(): if key.startswith(arg): compat.append(key) f = fn lc = len(compat) if lc == 1: f(compat[0]) elif lc < 1: raise ValueError("unknown option '{}'".format(arg)) else: raise ValueError("ambiguous option '{}' is prefix of {}" .format(arg, str(compat))) if type_ is None: type_ = default_type if pref_ is None: pref_ = postprocessor.Small if optm_ is None: optm_ = postprocessor.High obj.set_type(type_) obj.set_pref(pref_ | comp_ | unam_ | sbac_ | colo_) obj.set_level(optm_) def translate(formula, *args, dict=_bdd_dict, xargs=None): """Translate a formula into an automaton. Keep in mind that 'Deterministic' expresses just a preference that may not be satisfied. The optional arguments should be strings among the following: - at most one in 'TGBA', 'BA', or 'Monitor', 'generic', 'parity', 'parity min odd', 'parity min even', 'parity max odd', 'parity max even' (type of automaton to build), 'coBuchi' - at most one in 'Small', 'Deterministic', 'Any' (preferred characteristics of the produced automaton) - at most one in 'Low', 'Medium', 'High' (optimization level) - any combination of 'Complete', 'Unambiguous', 'StateBasedAcceptance' (or 'SBAcc' for short), and 'Colored' (only for parity acceptance) The default corresponds to 'tgba', 'small' and 'high'. Additional options can be supplied using a `spot.option_map`, or a string (that will be converted to `spot.option_map`), as the `xargs` argument. This is similar to the `-x` option of command-line tools; so check out the spot-x(7) man page for details. """ if type(xargs) is str: xargs = option_map(xargs) a = translator(dict, xargs) _postproc_translate_options(a, postprocessor.TGBA, *args) if type(formula) == str: formula = parse_formula(formula) result = if xargs: xargs.report_unused_options() return result formula.translate = translate # Wrap C++-functions into lambdas so that they get converted into # instance methods (i.e., self passed as first argument # automatically), because only user-defined functions are converted as # instance methods. def _add_formula(meth, name=None): setattr(formula, name or meth, (lambda self, *args, **kwargs: globals()[meth](self, *args, **kwargs))) _add_formula('contains') _add_formula('are_equivalent', 'equivalent_to') def postprocess(automaton, *args, formula=None, xargs=None): """Post process an automaton. This applies a number of simlification algorithms, depending on the options supplied. Keep in mind that 'Deterministic' expresses just a preference that may not be satisfied if the input is not already 'Deterministic'. The optional arguments should be strings among the following: - at most one in 'Generic', 'TGBA', 'BA', or 'Monitor', 'parity', 'parity min odd', 'parity min even', 'parity max odd', 'parity max even' (type of automaton to build), 'coBuchi' - at most one in 'Small', 'Deterministic', 'Any' (preferred characteristics of the produced automaton) - at most one in 'Low', 'Medium', 'High' (optimization level) - any combination of 'Complete', 'StateBasedAcceptance' (or 'SBAcc' for short), and 'Colored (only for parity acceptance) The default corresponds to 'generic', 'small' and 'high'. If a formula denoted by this automaton is known, pass it to as the optional `formula` argument; it can help some algorithms by providing an easy way to complement the automaton. Additional options can be supplied using a `spot.option_map`, or a string (that will be converted to `spot.option_map`), as the `xargs` argument. This is similar to the `-x` option of command-line tools; so check out the spot-x(7) man page for details. """ if type(xargs) is str: xargs = option_map(xargs) p = postprocessor(xargs) if type(automaton) == str: automaton = globals()['automaton'](automaton) _postproc_translate_options(p, postprocessor.Generic, *args) result =, formula) if xargs: xargs.report_unused_options() return result twa.postprocess = postprocess # Wrap C++-functions into lambdas so that they get converted into # instance methods (i.e., self passed as first argument # automatically), because only user-defined functions are converted as # instance methods. def _add_twa_graph(meth, name=None): setattr(twa_graph, name or meth, (lambda self, *args, **kwargs: globals()[meth](self, *args, **kwargs))) for meth in ('scc_filter', 'scc_filter_states', 'is_deterministic', 'is_unambiguous', 'contains'): _add_twa_graph(meth) _add_twa_graph('are_equivalent', 'equivalent_to') # Wrapper around a formula iterator to which we add some methods of formula # (using _addfilter and _addmap), so that we can write things like # formulas.simplify().is_X_free(). class formulaiterator: def __init__(self, formulas): self._formulas = formulas def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return next(self._formulas) # fun shoud be a predicate and should be a method of formula. # _addfilter adds this predicate as a filter whith the same name in # formulaiterator. def _addfilter(fun): def filtf(self, *args, **kwargs): it = filter(lambda f: getattr(f, fun)(*args, **kwargs), self) return formulaiterator(it) def nfiltf(self, *args, **kwargs): it = filter(lambda f: not getattr(f, fun)(*args, **kwargs), self) return formulaiterator(it) if fun[:3] == 'is_': notfun = 'is_not_' + fun[3:] elif fun[:4] == 'has_': notfun = 'has_no_' + fun[4:] else: notfun = 'not_' + fun setattr(formulaiterator, fun, filtf) setattr(formulaiterator, notfun, nfiltf) # fun should be a function taking a formula as its first parameter and # returning a formula. _addmap adds this function as a method of # formula and formulaiterator. def _addmap(fun): def mapf(self, *args, **kwargs): return formulaiterator(map(lambda f: getattr(f, fun)(*args, **kwargs), self)) setattr(formula, fun, lambda self, *args, **kwargs: globals()[fun](self, *args, **kwargs)) setattr(formulaiterator, fun, mapf) def randltl(ap, n=-1, **kwargs): """Generate random formulas. Returns a random formula iterator. ap: the number of atomic propositions used to generate random formulas. n: number of formulas to generate, or unbounded if n < 0. **kwargs: seed: seed for the random number generator (0). output: can be 'ltl', 'psl', 'bool' or 'sere' ('ltl'). allow_dups: allow duplicate formulas (False). tree_size: tree size of the formulas generated, before mandatory simplifications (15) boolean_priorities: set priorities for Boolean formulas. ltl_priorities: set priorities for LTL formulas. sere_priorities: set priorities for SERE formulas. dump_priorities: show current priorities, do not generate any formula. simplify: 0 No rewriting 1 basic rewritings and eventual/universal rules 2 additional syntactic implication rules 3 (default) better implications using containment """ opts = option_map() output_map = { "ltl": randltlgenerator.LTL, "psl": randltlgenerator.PSL, "bool": randltlgenerator.Bool, "sere": randltlgenerator.SERE } if isinstance(ap, list): aprops = atomic_prop_set() for elt in ap: aprops.insert(formula.ap(elt)) ap = aprops ltl_priorities = kwargs.get("ltl_priorities", None) sere_priorities = kwargs.get("sere_priorities", None) boolean_priorities = kwargs.get("boolean_priorities", None) output = output_map[kwargs.get("output", "ltl")] opts.set("output", output) opts.set("seed", kwargs.get("seed", 0)) tree_size = kwargs.get("tree_size", 15) if isinstance(tree_size, tuple): tree_size_min, tree_size_max = tree_size else: tree_size_min = tree_size_max = tree_size opts.set("tree_size_min", tree_size_min) opts.set("tree_size_max", tree_size_max) opts.set("unique", not kwargs.get("allow_dups", False)) opts.set("wf", kwargs.get("weak_fairness", False)) simpl_level = kwargs.get("simplify", 0) if simpl_level > 3 or simpl_level < 0: sys.stderr.write('invalid simplification level: ' + simpl_level) return opts.set("simplification_level", simpl_level) rg = randltlgenerator(ap, opts, ltl_priorities, sere_priorities, boolean_priorities) dump_priorities = kwargs.get("dump_priorities", False) if dump_priorities: dumpstream = ostringstream() if output == randltlgenerator.LTL: print('Use argument ltl_priorities=STRING to set the following ' 'LTL priorities:\n') rg.dump_ltl_priorities(dumpstream) print(dumpstream.str()) elif output == randltlgenerator.Bool: print('Use argument boolean_priorities=STRING to set the ' 'following Boolean formula priorities:\n') rg.dump_bool_priorities(dumpstream) print(dumpstream.str()) elif output == randltlgenerator.PSL or output == randltlgenerator.SERE: if output != randltlgenerator.SERE: print('Use argument ltl_priorities=STRING to set the ' 'following LTL priorities:\n') rg.dump_psl_priorities(dumpstream) print(dumpstream.str()) print('Use argument sere_priorities=STRING to set the ' 'following SERE priorities:\n') rg.dump_sere_priorities(dumpstream) print(dumpstream.str()) print('Use argument boolean_priorities=STRING to set the ' 'following Boolean formula priorities:\n') rg.dump_sere_bool_priorities(dumpstream) print(dumpstream.str()) else: sys.stderr.write("internal error: unknown type of output") return class _randltliterator: def __init__(self, rg, n): self.rg = rg self.i = 0 self.n = n def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.i == self.n: raise StopIteration f = if f is None: sys.stderr.write("Warning: could not generate a new " "unique formula after {} trials.\n" .format(randltlgenerator.MAX_TRIALS)) raise StopIteration self.i += 1 return f return formulaiterator(_randltliterator(rg, n)) def simplify(f, **kwargs): level = kwargs.get('level', None) if level is not None: return tl_simplifier(tl_simplifier_options(level)).simplify(f) basics = kwargs.get('basics', True) synt_impl = kwargs.get('synt_impl', True) event_univ = kwargs.get('event_univ', True) cont_checks = kwargs.get('containment_checks', False) cont_checks_stronger = kwargs.get('containment_checks_stronger', False) nenoform_stop_on_boolean = kwargs.get('nenoform_stop_on_boolean', False) reduce_size_strictly = kwargs.get('reduce_size_strictly', False) boolean_to_isop = kwargs.get('boolean_to_isop', False) favor_event_univ = kwargs.get('favor_event_univ', False) simp_opts = tl_simplifier_options(basics, synt_impl, event_univ, cont_checks, cont_checks_stronger, nenoform_stop_on_boolean, reduce_size_strictly, boolean_to_isop, favor_event_univ) return tl_simplifier(simp_opts).simplify(f) for fun in dir(formula): if (callable(getattr(formula, fun)) and (fun[:3] == 'is_' or fun[:4] == 'has_')): _addfilter(fun) for fun in ['remove_x', 'relabel', 'relabel_bse', 'simplify', 'unabbreviate', 'negative_normal_form', 'mp_class', 'nesting_depth']: _addmap(fun) # Better interface to the corresponding C++ function. def sat_minimize(aut, acc=None, colored=False, state_based=False, states=0, max_states=0, sat_naive=False, sat_langmap=False, sat_incr=0, sat_incr_steps=0, display_log=False, return_log=False): args = '' if acc is not None: if type(acc) is not str: raise ValueError("argument 'acc' should be a string") args += ',acc="' + acc + '"' if colored: args += ',colored' if states: if type(states) is not int or states < 0: raise ValueError("argument 'states' should be a positive integer") args += ',states=' + str(states) if max_states: if type(max_states) is not int or max_states < 0: raise ValueError("argument 'states' should be a positive integer") args += ',max-states=' + str(max_states) if sat_naive: args += ',sat-naive' if sat_langmap: args += ',sat-langmap' if sat_incr: args += ',sat-incr=' + str(sat_incr) args += ',sat-incr-steps=' + str(sat_incr_steps) from spot.impl import sat_minimize as sm if display_log or return_log: import pandas as pd with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='.', suffix='.satlog') as t: args += ',log="{}"'.format( aut = sm(aut, args, state_based) dfrm = pd.read_csv(, dtype=object) if display_log: # old versions of ipython do not import display by default from IPython.display import display del dfrm['automaton'] display(dfrm) if return_log: return aut, dfrm else: return aut else: return sm(aut, args, state_based) def parse_word(word, dic=_bdd_dict): from spot.impl import parse_word as pw return pw(word, dic) def bdd_to_formula(b, dic=_bdd_dict): from spot.impl import bdd_to_formula as bf return bf(b, dic) def language_containment_checker(dic=_bdd_dict): from spot.impl import language_containment_checker as c c.contains = lambda this, a, b: c.contained(this, b, a) c.are_equivalent = lambda this, a, b: c.equal(this, a, b) return c(dic) def mp_hierarchy_svg(cl=None): """ Return an some string containing an SVG picture of the Manna & Pnueli hierarchy, highlighting class `cl` if given. If not None, `cl` should be one of 'TPROGSB'. For convenience, if `cl` is an instance of `spot.formula`, it is replaced by `mp_class(cl)`. """ if type(cl) == formula: cl = mp_class(cl) ch = None coords = { 'T': '110,35', 'R': '40,80', 'P': '175,80', 'O': '110,140', 'S': '40,160', 'G': '175,160', 'B': '110,198', } if cl in coords: highlight = '''<g transform="translate({})"> <line x1="-10" y1="-10" x2="10" y2="10" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" /> <line x1="-10" y1="10" x2="10" y2="-10" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" /> </g>'''.format(coords[cl]) else: highlight = '' return ''' <svg height="210" width="220" xmlns="" version="1.1"> <polygon points="20,0 200,120 200,210 20,210" fill="cyan" opacity=".2" /> <polygon points="20,120 155,210 20,210" fill="cyan" opacity=".2" /> <polygon points="200,0 20,120 20,210 200,210" fill="magenta" opacity=".15" /> <polygon points="200,120 65,210 200,210" fill="magenta" opacity=".15" /> ''' + highlight + ''' <g text-anchor="middle" font-size="14"> <text x="110" y="20">Reactivity</text> <text x="60" y="65">Recurrence</text> <text x="160" y="65">Persistence</text> <text x="110" y="125">Obligation</text> <text x="60" y="185">Safety</text> <text x="160" y="185">Guarantee</text> </g> <g font-size="14"> <text text-anchor="begin" transform="rotate(-90,18,210)" x="18" y="210" fill="gray">Monitor</text> <text text-anchor="end" transform="rotate(-90,18,0)" x="18" y="0" fill="gray">Deterministic Büchi</text> <text text-anchor="begin" transform="rotate(-90,214,210)" x="214" y="210" fill="gray">Terminal Büchi</text> <text text-anchor="end" transform="rotate(-90,214,0)" x="214" y="0" fill="gray">Weak Büchi</text> </g> </svg>''' def show_mp_hierarchy(cl): """ Return a picture of the Manna & Pnueli hierarchy as an SVG object in the IPython/Jupyter. """ from IPython.display import SVG return SVG(mp_hierarchy_svg(cl)) formula.show_mp_hierarchy = show_mp_hierarchy @_extend(twa_word) class twa_word: def _repr_latex_(self): bd = self.get_dict() res = '$' for idx, letter in enumerate(self.prefix): if idx: res += '; ' res += bdd_to_formula(letter, bd).to_str('j') if len(res) > 1: res += '; ' res += '\\mathsf{cycle}\\{' for idx, letter in enumerate(self.cycle): if idx: res += '; ' res += bdd_to_formula(letter, bd).to_str('j') return res + '\\}$' def as_svg(self): """ Build an SVG picture representing the word as a collection of signals for each atomic proposition. """ # Get the list of atomic proposition used sup = buddy.bddtrue for cond in list(self.prefix) + list(self.cycle): sup = sup & buddy.bdd_support(cond) ap = [] while sup != buddy.bddtrue: a = buddy.bdd_var(sup) ap.append(a) sup = buddy.bdd_high(sup) # Prepare canvas psize = len(self.prefix) csize = len(self.cycle) d = { 'endprefix': 50 * psize, 'endcycle': 50 * (psize + csize), 'w': 50 * (psize + csize * 2), 'height': 50 * len(ap), 'height2': 50 * len(ap) + 10, 'h3': 50 * len(ap) + 12, 'bgcolor': '#f4f4f4', 'bgl': 'stroke="white" stroke-width="4"', 'bgt': 'stroke="white" stroke-width="1"', 'txt': 'text-anchor="start" font-size="20"', 'red': 'stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2"', 'sml': 'text-anchor="start" font-size="10"' } txt = ''' <svg height="{h3}" width="{w}" xmlns="" version="1.1"> <rect x="0" y="0" width="{w}" height="{height}" fill="{bgcolor}"/> <line x1="{endprefix}" y1="0" x2="{endprefix}" y2="{height}" stroke="white" stroke-width="4"/> <line x1="{endcycle}" y1="0" x2="{endcycle}" y2="{height}" stroke="white" stroke-width="4"/> '''.format(**d) # Iterate over all used atomic propositions, and fill each line l = list(self.prefix) + list(self.cycle) + list(self.cycle) bd = self.get_dict() for ypos, a in enumerate(ap): pa = buddy.bdd_ithvar(a) na = buddy.bdd_nithvar(a) name = bdd_format_formula(bd, pa) # Whether the last state was down (-1), up (1), or unknown (0) last = 0 txt += ('<line x1="0" y1="{y}" x2="{w}" y2="{y}" {bgl}/>' .format(y=ypos*50, **d)) txt += ('<text x="{x}" y="{y}" {txt}>{name}</text>' .format(x=3, y=ypos*50+30, name=name, **d)) for xpos, step in enumerate(l): if buddy.bdd_implies(step, pa): cur = 1 elif buddy.bdd_implies(step, na): cur = -1 else: cur = 0 txt += ('<line x1="{x}" y1="{y1}" x2="{x}" y2="{y2}" {bgt}/>' .format(x=(xpos+1)*50, y1=ypos*50, y2=ypos*50+50, **d)) if cur != 0: if last == -cur: txt += \ ('<line x1="{x}" y1="{y1}" x2="{x}" y2="{y2}" {red}/>' .format(x=xpos*50, y1=ypos*50+5, y2=ypos*50+45, **d)) txt += \ ('<line x1="{x1}" y1="{y}" x2="{x2}" y2="{y}" {red}/>' .format(x1=xpos*50, x2=(xpos+1)*50, y=ypos*50+25-20*cur, **d)) last = cur if psize > 0: txt += '<text x="0" y="{height2}" {sml}>prefix</text>'.format(**d) txt += '''<text x="{endprefix}" y="{height2}" {sml}>cycle</text> <text x="{endcycle}" y="{height2}" {sml}>cycle</text>'''.format(**d) return txt + '</svg>' def show(self): """ Display the word as an SVG picture of signals. """ from IPython.display import SVG return SVG(self.as_svg()) # Make scc_and_mark filter usable as context manager @_extend(scc_and_mark_filter) class scc_and_mark_filter: def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.restore_acceptance()