Installation Instructions

IGLSynth requires Python (>= 3.7) and spot (>=2.7). The recommended operating system is Ubuntu 19.04 or above, which ships with Python 3.7. This allows spot and iglsynth to be installed directly using apt-get and pip, respectively.

If you want to use a different operating system, docker is the way to go! Please refer to the docker installation instructions below.

Ubuntu 19.04 or above

First, install spot using instructions given at install spot.

Then, install IGLSynth:

$ pip3 install iglsynth

Docker Image (other OS)

When using some other OS where either spot or iglsynth is not installed, it is recommended to use Docker images with an Python IDE such as PyCharm. Note that using PyCharm is not necessary, but definitely makes life easy!!

Assuming Docker client is already installed on your OS, IGLSynth docker image can be downloaded by running:

$ docker pull abhibp1993/iglsynth

The instructions to set up remote interpreter are given at Configure a Remote Interpreter using Docker.

The above image also has numpy, matplotlib pre-installed.

Docker Image for Developers

This section is only for developers of IGLSynth.

IGLSynth development requires additional tools such as pytest (testing), pytest-cov (coverage checking), sphinx (automatic documentation), sphinx_rtd_theme (theme for sphinx documentation). These all tools are installed in the developer image of docker (tagged dev), in addition to spot.

Note: IGLSynth is NOT installed in developer’s docker image. Developers are expected to mount the necessary folders for development.

You can download the developer image of IGLSynth by running:

$ docker pull abhibp1993/iglsynth:dev

and configure the remote interpreter with PyCharm using instructions given at Configure a Remote Interpreter using Docker.