Source code for iglsynth.solver.zielonka

Implementation of Zielonka Solver.

from iglsynth.util.graph import *
from iglsynth.solver.core import *

[docs]class ZielonkaSolver(ISolver): """ The Zielonka Solver for computing winning regions, strategies for P1 in a deterministic two-player zero-sum game. :param game: (:class:`Game`) The game to be solved. .. note:: In v0.2.3, no validation is run on the game object before running the solver. .. note:: In v0.2.3, only winning region is computed, winning strategy is NOT computed. """ def __init__(self, game): super(ZielonkaSolver, self).__init__(game) self._p1_win = set() self._p2_win = set() self._p1_strategy = Graph(vtype=game.vtype, etype=game.etype) # TODO: Update this after defining Strategy self._p2_strategy = Graph(vtype=game.vtype, etype=game.etype) # TODO: Update this after defining Strategy @property def p1_win(self): """ Returns the P1's winning region. Returns None, if the solver has not solved the game. """ return self._p1_win @property def p2_win(self): """ Returns the P2's winning region. Returns None, if the solver has not solved the game. """ return self._p2_win @property def p1_strategy(self): return self._p1_strategy @property def p2_strategy(self): return self._p2_strategy def _validate_game(self): assert type(self._game) == Game assert self._game.kind == TURN_BASED def _pre1(self): # Initialize an empty set pre1 = set() # Iterate over all states in winning region for v in self._p1_win: # Iterate over all incoming edges to check all potential states to add to Pre1 for e in self._game.in_edges(v): # Get the candidate vertex to add to Pre1 u = e.source # If u is P1's vertex and not already added, then add it to Pre1 if u.turn == 1 and u not in self._p1_win: pre1.add(u) return pre1 def _pre2(self): # Initialize an empty set pre2 = set() # Iterate over all states in winning region for v in self._p1_win: # Iterate over all incoming edges to check all potential states to add to Pre1 for e in self._game.in_edges(v): # Get the candidate vertex to add to Pre1 u = e.source # If u is P2's vertex AND not already added AND all outgoing edges are winning, then add it to Pre1 if u.turn == 2 and u not in self._p1_win and set(self._game.out_neighbors(u)).issubset(self._p1_win): pre2.add(u) return pre2 def _losing_strategy(self): pass def configure(self): pass
[docs] def solve(self): """ Runs the solver. """ # Initialize/Reset Solution data structures final = set() for v in self._game.vertices: self._p1_strategy.add_vertex(v) self._p2_strategy.add_vertex(v) if v in final.add(v) # Zielonka's algorithm self._p1_win = final while True: pre1 = self._pre1() pre2 = self._pre2() p1_win = set.union(self._p1_win, pre1, pre2) if p1_win == self._p1_win: break self._p1_win = p1_win # Update winning region for P2 self._p2_win = set.difference(set(self._game.vertices), self._p1_win) # Update P1 and P2 strategy at their respective losing states self._losing_strategy()