Source code for iglsynth.logic.core

import inspect
from abc import ABC
from typing import Callable
from iglsynth.util.graph import *
import as spot


[docs]class ILogic(ABC): """ :class:`ILogic` is an interface class to represent logic classes in IGLSynth. All logic classes must implement the methods of this class. .. caution:: DO NOT INSTANTIATE THIS CLASS! """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # INTERNAL METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __hash__(self): raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.__hash__ is abstract method. The derived class must override it.") def __and__(self, other): return self._logical_and(other) def __or__(self, other): return self._logical_or(other) def __neg__(self): return self._logical_neg() __iand__ = __rand__ = __and__ __ior__ = __ror__ = __or__ __invert__ = __neg__ def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(formula={self.formula})" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROPERTIES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def alphabet(self): """ Returns the set of atomic propositions (as :class:`Alphabet <iglsynth.logic.core.Alphabet>` object) over which the logic formula is defined. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.alphabet is abstract property. The derived class must override it.") @property def formula(self): """ Returns a string representing the logic formula. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.formula is abstract property. The derived class must override it.") @property def size(self): """ Returns the size of formula. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.size is abstract property. The derived class must override it.") @property def tree(self): """ Returns the abstract syntax tree (as :class:`SyntaxTree <>` object) of the logic formula. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.tree is abstract property. The derived class must override it.") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _logical_and(self, other): """ Returns a new logic formula representing the AND-ing of "self" and "other" formulas. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic._logical_and is abstract method. The derived class must override it.") def _logical_or(self, other): """ Returns a new logic formula representing the OR-ing of "self" and "other" formulas. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic._logical_or is abstract method. The derived class must override it.") def _logical_neg(self): """ Returns a new logic formula representing the NEG-ation of "self" formula. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic._logical_neg is abstract method. The derived class must override it.") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def parse(self, formula: str): """ Parses the given formula string to return a simplified parsed string. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.parse is abstract method. The derived class must override it.")
[docs] def substitute(self, subs_map: dict): """ Returns a new logic formula with substituted formulas. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.substitute is abstract method. The derived class must override it.")
[docs] def simplify(self): """ Returns a new logic formula with a simplified formula. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.simplify is abstract method. The derived class must override it.")
[docs] def translate(self): """ Returns an :class:`Automaton <iglsynth.logic.core.Automaton> object representing an equivalent automaton for the logic formula. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.translate is abstract method. The derived class must override it.")
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other): """ Checks whether given logic formula accepts the same language as the current (self) formula. :param other: (:class:`ILogic <iglsynth.logic.core.ILogic>`) A logic formula. :return: (bool) Whether self and other accept same language (True) or not (False). .. note:: ``p.is_equivalent(q)`` is not the same as ``p == q``. The first checks whether the languagesof formulas ``p`` and ``q`` are equal or not, whereas the latter (``p == q``) whether ``p`` and ``q`` are syntactically equivalent or not. """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.is_equivalent is abstract method. The derived class must override it.")
[docs] def is_contained_in(self, other): """ Checks whether language of "self" formula is contained within the language of given formula (other). :param other: (:class:`ILogic <iglsynth.logic.core.ILogic>`) A logic formula. :return: (bool) Whether language of "self" is contained in "other" (True) or not (False). """ raise NotImplementedError("ILogic.is_contained_in is abstract method. The derived class must override it.")
######################################################################################################################## # PRIVATE CLASSES ########################################################################################################################
[docs]class SyntaxTree(Graph): """ Represents an Abstract Syntax Tree of a :class:`ILogic <iglsynth.logic.core.ILogic>` formula. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC CLASSES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class Vertex(Graph.Vertex): """ Represents a vertex of a :class:`SyntaxTree`. A vertex of syntax tree stores two key pieces of information. - A sub-formula string, which is represented by the sub-tree by considering the vertex as the root. - The kind (operator) represented by the vertex. :param spot_formula: (spot.formula) The formula represented by the sub-tree with the vertex as the root. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # INTERNAL METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, spot_formula): super(SyntaxTree.Vertex, self).__init__() # Internal variables self._formula = str(spot_formula) self._node_type = _SPOT_OP_MAP[spot_formula.kind()] def __eq__(self, other): return spot.formula(self._formula) == spot.formula(other.formula) def __hash__(self): return spot.formula(self._formula).__hash__() def __repr__(self): return f"SyntaxTree.Vertex(formula='{self._formula}', kind={self.operator})" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PUBLIC PROPERTIES # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def formula(self): """ Returns the formula string represented by the sub-tree with vertex as root. """ return self._formula @property def operator(self): """ Returns the operator represented by the sub-tree with vertex as root. """ return self._node_type
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # INTERNAL METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self): super(SyntaxTree, self).__init__(vtype=SyntaxTree.Vertex) self._root = None # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROPERTIES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def root(self): """ Returns the root of :class:`SyntaxTree` as a :class:`SyntaxTree.Vertex`. """ return self._root # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def build_from_spot_formula(self, spot_formula): """ Constructs a syntax tree from a given spot formula. :param spot_formula: (:class:`spot.formula`) :return: None """ # Start with root of tree root = SyntaxTree.Vertex(spot_formula=spot_formula) self.add_vertex(root) self._root = root # Iteratively visit root in spot formula and build a tree in IGLSynth representation. stack = [root] while len(stack) > 0: # Create a vertex for current spot node. igl_vertex = stack.pop(0) spot_formula = spot.formula(igl_vertex.formula) # Get children of spot node and add them to stack. for spot_child in spot_formula: igl_vertex_child = SyntaxTree.Vertex(spot_formula=spot_child) stack.append(igl_vertex_child)
######################################################################################################################## # PUBLIC CLASSES ########################################################################################################################
[docs]class AP(ILogic): """ Represents an atomic proposition. :param formula: (str) The name of atomic proposition. Acceptable strings are alphanumeric strings that are not "true" or "false" (case insensitive) and do not contain 'F', 'G', 'M', 'R', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'xor'. :param eval_func: (function) A function that evaluates whether the AP is true or false in a given state. The acceptable function templates are * ``res <- eval_func(st)`` * ``res <- eval_func(st, *args)`` * ``res <- eval_func(st, *kwargs)`` * ``res <- eval_func(st, *args, **kwargs)`` where ``res`` must be a boolean. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # INTERNAL METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, formula: str, eval_func: Callable = None): assert isinstance(formula, str) # self._alphabet = None # TODO: Why is this commented? self._formula = None self._tree = None self._eval_func = eval_func # Note: It is important to call parse after setting _eval_func. # because "parse" function overrides eval_func if AP name is true/false. self.parse(formula) def __call__(self, st, *args, **kwargs): # A __call__ function wraps AP.evaluate function by providing additional # protection to "evaluate" functionality by checking if user has defined # the ``eval_func`` or not. # Handle the case when user has not provided evaluation function. if type(self) == AP and self._eval_func is None: raise NotImplementedError(f"{self}.eval_func is None. Did you provide the evaluation function for this AP?") # Try evaluating the AP over given state. # If evaluation fails because of function template not matching given inputs, # raise appropriate error explaining the reason. # If evaluation fails due to some other reason, do not handle it here. try: return self.evaluate(st, *args, **kwargs) except TypeError: raise ValueError(f"Given evaluation function does not conform to required signature. " f"{self}.eval_func has signature {inspect.signature(self._eval_func)}. " f"Received inputs st={st}, args={args}, kwargs={kwargs}.") def __eq__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, ILogic), f"An AP can only be compared with another ILogic formula. " \ f"Received other={type(other)}" return spot.formula(self.formula) == spot.formula(other.formula) def __hash__(self): return self.formula.__hash__() # def __repr__(self): # return f"AP(name={self.formula})" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROPERTIES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def alphabet(self): return Alphabet((self,)) @property def formula(self): return self._formula @property def size(self): return 0 @property def tree(self): return self._tree # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _logical_and(self, other): if type(other) == PL: return PL(f"({self.formula} & {other.formula})") raise NotImplementedError(f"AND-ing of AP and {type(other)} is not supported.") def _logical_or(self, other): if type(other) in (AP, PL): return PL(f"({self.formula} | {other.formula})") raise NotImplementedError(f"OR-ing of AP and {type(other)} is not supported.") def _logical_neg(self): return AP(f"(!{self.formula})", eval_func=lambda st, *args, **kwargs: not self._eval_func(st, *args, **kwargs)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def parse(self, formula: str): # Invoke spot parser try: spot_formula = spot.formula(formula) except SyntaxError: raise ParsingError(f"The string {formula} is NOT an acceptable AP name.") # Check if spot recognizes this as an AP if not spot_formula.is_literal() and not spot_formula.is_tt() and not spot_formula.is_ff(): raise ParsingError(f"The string {formula} is NOT an acceptable AP name.") # If input string is acceptable AP, then generate syntax tree and update internal variables tree = SyntaxTree() tree.build_from_spot_formula(spot_formula) self._tree = tree self._formula = formula # Special APs: true and false if spot_formula.is_tt(): self._eval_func = lambda st, *args, **kwargs: True if spot_formula.is_ff(): self._eval_func = lambda st, *args, **kwargs: False
[docs] def substitute(self, subs_map: dict): """ Substitutes the current AP with another AP according to given substitution map. :param subs_map: (dict[<Logic>: <Logic>]) A substitution map. :return: (AP) Substituted AP object. :raises KeyError: When subs_map does not contain the AP "self". """ assert isinstance(subs_map[self], AP), f"AP can only be substituted by another ILogic formula. " \ f"Received subs_map[{self}] as obj={subs_map[self]} of type={type(subs_map[self])}" return subs_map[self]
[docs] def simplify(self): # No simplification possible for an AP. return AP(formula=self.formula, eval_func=self._eval_func)
[docs] def translate(self): # Construct IGLSynth Automaton object from spot_aut # Automaton for an AP has same structure for any AP. This is hard-coded here. # # State 0: # edge(0 -> 0) # label = 1 # acc sets = {0} # State 1: # edge(1 -> 0) # label = a # acc sets = {} # edge(1 -> 2) # label = !a # acc sets = {} # State 2: # edge(2 -> 2) # label = 1 # acc sets = {} # Create automaton igl_aut = Automaton(acc_cond=Automaton.ACC_COSAFE) # If AP is either true or false, then automaton has exactly one state. if self == AP.TRUE or self == AP.FALSE: # Add vertices and mark final vertices v0 = Automaton.Vertex(name="0", acc_set=0) igl_aut.add_vertex(v0) igl_aut.mark_final_st(v0) # Add edges e00 = Automaton.Edge(u=v0, v=v0, f=self) igl_aut.add_edge(e00) # Else, construct the above 3-state automaton else: # Add vertices and mark final vertices v0 = Automaton.Vertex(name="0", acc_set=0) v1 = Automaton.Vertex(name="1") v2 = Automaton.Vertex(name="2") igl_aut.add_vertices([v0, v1, v2]) igl_aut.mark_final_st(v0) # Add edges cls = self.__class__ e00 = Automaton.Edge(u=v0, v=v0, f=cls("true")) e22 = Automaton.Edge(u=v2, v=v2, f=cls("true")) e10 = Automaton.Edge(u=v1, v=v0, f=self) e12 = Automaton.Edge(u=v1, v=v2, f=self.__neg__()) igl_aut.add_edges([e00, e10, e12, e22]) # Return automaton return igl_aut
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, other): assert isinstance(other, ILogic) return spot.formula(self.formula) == spot.formula(other.formula)
[docs] def is_contained_in(self, other): assert isinstance(other, ILogic) checker = spot.language_containment_checker() return checker.contained(spot.formula(self.formula), spot.formula(other.formula))
[docs] def evaluate(self, st, *args, **kwargs): """ Evaluates the AP over the given state. :param st: (pyobject) An object representing state. It is user's duty to ensure the implementation of given ``eval_func`` consumes the given state object correctly. :return: (bool) If AP is evaluated to be True/False over given state. :raises ValueError: When result of evaluation is not a boolean. """ # Call user-provided evaluation function result = self._eval_func(st, *args, **kwargs) # Check if result is boolean if isinstance(result, bool): return result else: raise ValueError(f"{self.formula}.evaluate(st={st}, args={args}, kwargs={kwargs})" f"returned {result}, which is not a boolean.")
[docs]class PL(AP): """ Represents an propositional logic formula. :param formula: (str) A formula string constructed from * Atomic propositions (AP names can be alphanumeric strings that are not "true" or "false" (case insensitive) and do not contain ``F, G, M, R, U, V, W, X, xor`` as a sub-string. * Operators: Negation (!), And(&), Or(|) :param alphabet: (:class:`Alphabet`) A set of atomic propositions. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # INTERNAL METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __hash__ = AP.__hash__ def __init__(self, formula: str, alphabet: 'Alphabet' = None): assert isinstance(formula, str), f"Input parameter formula must be a string.Received formula={formula}." self._alphabet = alphabet super(PL, self).__init__(formula=formula, eval_func=None) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROPERTIES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def alphabet(self): return self._alphabet @property def size(self): """ Reference: """ spot_formula = spot.formula(self.formula) unabbr_formula = str(spot.unabbreviate(spot_formula, "FGRMWie^")) return unabbr_formula.count("U") + unabbr_formula.count("X") @property def tree(self): return self._tree # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PRIVATE METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _logical_neg(self): return PL(f"(!{self.formula})") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def parse(self, formula: str): # Invoke spot parser try: spot_formula = spot.formula(formula) except SyntaxError: raise ParsingError(f"The string {formula} is NOT an acceptable PL formula name.") # Check if the formula is propositional logic formula mp_class = spot.mp_class(spot_formula) if mp_class != "B" and not spot_formula.is_tt() and not spot_formula.is_ff(): raise ParsingError(f"The string {formula} is NOT an acceptable PL formula.") # If input string is acceptable PL formula, then generate syntax tree and update internal variables tree = SyntaxTree() tree.build_from_spot_formula(spot_formula) # Set tree and formula string for PL formula self._tree = tree self._formula = formula # Update alphabet sigma = {AP(str(ap)) for ap in spot.atomic_prop_collect(spot_formula)} if self._alphabet is None: self._alphabet = Alphabet(sigma) else: assert sigma.issubset(self._alphabet), f"Input formula contains APs not in alphabet, {self._alphabet}" # Special APs: true and false if spot_formula.is_tt(): self._eval_func = lambda st, *args, **kwargs: True if spot_formula.is_ff(): self._eval_func = lambda st, *args, **kwargs: False
[docs] def substitute(self, subs_map: dict): """ Substitutes the current AP with another AP according to given substitution map. :param subs_map: (dict[<Logic>: <Logic>]) A substitution map. :return: (AP) Substituted AP object. :raises KeyError: When subs_map does not contain the AP "self". """ # Copy the formula into a local variable formula = spot.formula(self.formula) # For all keys in substitution map, we try replacing self.formula with provided substitutions for p in subs_map: # Validate type of q. If q is True/False, replace with their logical equivalent. q = subs_map[p] if q is True: q = AP.TRUE if q is False: q = AP.FALSE if not isinstance(p, AP) or not isinstance(q, AP): warnings.warn("PL.substitute(...) does not support substitution for non-AP objects. " "The results of substitution may not be correct!") # Create instances of spot formula spot_p = spot.formula(p.formula) spot_q = spot.formula(q.formula) # Invoke spot.formula.substitute (defined in formula = formula.substitute(formula=spot_p, new_formula=spot_q) return PL(formula=str(formula))
[docs] def simplify(self): raise NotImplementedError("PL.simplify is not yet implemented.")
[docs] def evaluate(self, st, *args, **kwargs): """ Evaluates the PL formula over the given state. :param st: (pyobject) An object representing state. It is user's duty to ensure the implementation of given ``eval_func`` consumes the given state object correctly. :return: (bool) If PL formula is evaluated to be ``True`` or ``False`` over given state. :raises ValueError: When result of evaluation is not a boolean. """ # Evaluate alphabet to get a substitution map subs_map = self.alphabet.evaluate(st, args, kwargs) # Substitute valuation of APs in PL formula plf = self.substitute(subs_map) # Simplify the formula spot_formula = spot.formula(plf.formula) if spot_formula.is_tt(): return True elif spot_formula.is_ff(): return False raise ValueError(f"{self.formula}.evaluate(st={st}, args={args}, kwargs={kwargs})" f"returned {plf}, which is not a boolean. Was the substitution map complete?")
[docs]class Alphabet(set): def __init__(self, props=tuple()): """ Represents a set of AP objects. """ assert all(isinstance(p, AP) for p in props) super(Alphabet, self).__init__(props) def __call__(self, st, *args, **kwargs): return self.evaluate(st, args, kwargs)
[docs] def add(self, p: AP): assert isinstance(p, AP) super(Alphabet, self).add(p)
[docs] def evaluate(self, st, *args, **kwargs): """ Evaluates the alphabet over the given state. :param st: (pyobject) An object representing state. It is user's duty to ensure the implementation of given ``eval_func`` consumes the given state object correctly. :return: (dict(key=AP, value=bool)) A mapping of atomic proposition with it's evaluation at the given state. :raises ValueError: When result of evaluation is not a boolean. """ # Initialize a dictionary ap_label = dict() # For every atomic proposition in alphabet, evaluate it for p in self: ap_label[p] = p(st, args, kwargs) # Return the dictionary return ap_label
class Automaton(Graph): """ Base class for representing automata. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC VARIABLES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ACC_REACHABILITY = "Reachability" ACC_SAFETY = "Safety" ACC_COSAFE = "Co-Safety" ACC_BUCHI = "Persistence" ACC_COBUCHI = "Co-Buchi" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC CLASSES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Vertex(Graph.Vertex): """ Base class for representing a vertex of automaton. - Two vertices are equal, if they have same names. """ def __init__(self, name, acc_set=-1): self._name = name self._acc_set = acc_set self._is_acc = True if acc_set >= 0 else False def __eq__(self, other: 'Automaton.Vertex'): return self._name == other._name def __hash__(self): return self._name.__hash__() def __repr__(self): return f"Automaton.Vertex(name={self._name}, " \ f"is_acc={'Yes, acc_set: ' + str(self._acc_set) if self._is_acc else 'No'})" @property def is_acc(self): return self._is_acc @property def acc_set(self): return self._acc_set class Edge(Graph.Edge): """ Base class for representing a edge of automaton. - :class:`Edge` represents a directed edge. - Two edges are equal, if the two :class:`Edge` objects are same. :param u: (:class:`Vertex`) Source vertex of edge. :param v: (:class:`Vertex`) Target vertex of edge. :param f: (:class:`ILogic`) A PL formula over 2^AP denoting the label of edge. """ __hash__ = object.__hash__ def __init__(self, u: 'Graph.Vertex', v: 'Graph.Vertex', f: 'ILogic'): self._source = u self._target = v self._formula = f def __repr__(self): return f"Edge(source={self.source}, target={}), f={self.formula}" @property def source(self): """ Returns the source vertex of edge. """ return self._source @property def target(self): """ Returns the target vertex of edge. """ return self._target @property def formula(self): return self._formula # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # INTERNAL METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, acc_cond=None, alphabet=None, vtype=None, etype=None, graph=None, file=None): assert acc_cond in [self.ACC_BUCHI, self.ACC_COBUCHI, self.ACC_COSAFE, self.ACC_SAFETY] assert isinstance(alphabet, Alphabet) or alphabet is None super(Automaton, self).__init__(vtype=vtype, etype=etype, graph=graph, file=file) = None self._acc_condition = acc_cond self._alphabet = alphabet self._final = dict() # Map of type {<acc_set_num>: <set: acc_set>} self._init_st = None def __repr__(self): return f"Automaton(|V|={self.num_vertices}, |E|={self.num_edges}, v0={self._init_st}, final={self._final})" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROPERTIES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @property def acc_cond(self): return self._acc_condition @property def alphabet(self): return self._alphabet @property def init_st(self): return self._init_st @property def final(self): if len(self._final) == 1: return self._final[0] else: return self._final.values() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PUBLIC METHODS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def initialize(self, init_st): assert init_st in self.vertices self._init_st = init_st def mark_final_st(self, v, acc_set=0): assert v in self.vertices if acc_set not in self._final: self._final[acc_set] = {v} else: self._final[acc_set].add(v) def load_from_hoa_file(self, file): raise NotImplementedError def load_from_hoa_string(self, string): pass ######################################################################################################################## # GLOBAL VARIABLES ######################################################################################################################## class ParsingError(Exception): """ Error raised when IGLSynth logic parsing fails. """ pass def ap(func): """ Decorator for creating atomic propositions. """ p = AP(formula=func.__name__, eval_func=func) return p RESERVED = set() #: Set of reserved keywords or symbols _SPOT_OP_MAP = {0: 'ff', 1: 'tt', 3: 'ap', 4: '!', 5: 'X', 6: 'F', 7: 'G', 11: '^', 12: '->', 13: ' <->', 14: 'U', 21: '|', 23: '&'} MP_CLASS = {"B": "PL", "G": "Reachability", "S": "Safety", "O": "Obligation", "P": "Persistence", "R": "Recurrence", "T": "Reactivity" } TRUE = AP(formula="true", eval_func=lambda st, *args, **kwargs: True) FALSE = AP(formula="false", eval_func=lambda st, *args, **kwargs: False) AP.TRUE = TRUE #: Hello AP.FALSE = FALSE #: Bye