Abhishek N. Kulkarni


Ph.D. Student,
Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, USA.

Email: a.kulkarni2@ufl.edu

Profiles: [Google Scholar] [Github] [LinkedIn] [ResearchGate]


My research focus is to employ formal methods and logic and game-theory to design trustworthy and cognitively realistic autonomous systems that enables them to exhibit human-like behaviors such as opportunism, deception, and preference-aware planning.

My current projects include:

  • Game-theoretic Synthesis of Deceptive Strategies: In a two-player adversarial interaction with asymmetric information, how can the player with superior information gain advantage over the opponent by employing deception?

  • Opportunistic Planning with Incomplete Preferences over Temporal Logic Objectives: Given an incomplete (i.e., partial) preference over a set of linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas expressing temporal goals for an agent, how to synthesize a strategy that achieves the most preferred goal while reasoning about the uncertainties in the stochastic environment?

  • Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems under Sensor Attacks: How to plan qualitatively (i.e., synthesize sure, almost-sure, positive winning strategies) in two-player partially observable stochastic games (POSG) in which the adversary can attack the observation function of the first player?

For more details, please see the Research and Publications pages.


  • [Nov. 2023] I successfully defended my PhD thesis on “Sequential Decision Making in Games with Incomplete Information”.