Source code for ggsolver.mdp.reach

import random
# from ggsolver.models import Solver
import ggsolver.models as models
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]class ASWinReach(models.Solver): def __init__(self, graph, final=None, player=1, **kwargs): """ Instantiates a sure winning reachability game solver. :param graph: (Graph instance) :param final: (iterable) A list/tuple/set of final nodes in graph. :param player: (int) Either 1 or 2. :param kwargs: SureWinReach accepts no keyword arguments. """ super(ASWinReach, self).__init__(graph, **kwargs) self._player = player self._final = set(final) if final is not None else {n for n in graph.nodes() if self._graph["final"][n] == 0} self._strategy_graph = None
[docs] def solve(self): """ Alg. 45 from Principles of Model Checking. Using the same variable names as Alg. 45. """ # Initialize algorithm variables graph = self._solution b = self._final # Make B absorbing for uid in b: for _, vid, key in graph.out_edges(uid): graph.hide_edge(uid, vid, key) # Compute the set of nodes disconnected from B disconnected = self.disconnected(graph, b) set_u = {s for s in graph.nodes() if s in disconnected} while True: set_r = set_u.copy() while len(set_r) > 0: u = set_r.pop() for t, a in self.pre(graph, u): if t in set_u: continue self.remove_act(graph, t, a) if len(graph.successors(t)) == 0: set_r.add(t) set_u.add(t) graph.hide_node(u) disconnected = self.disconnected(graph, b) set_u = {s for s in set(graph.nodes()) - set_u if s in disconnected} if len(set_u) == 0: break # Process node, edge winners for uid in tqdm(self._solution.nodes(), desc="Processing node, edge winners..."): self._node_winner[uid] = 1 if self._solution.is_node_visible(uid) else 3 out_edges = self._solution.out_edges(uid) winning_acts = {self._solution["input"][uid, vid, key] for _, vid, key in out_edges if self._solution.is_edge_visible(uid, vid, key)} for _, vid, key in out_edges: self._edge_winner[uid, vid, key] = 1 if self._solution["input"][uid, vid, key] in winning_acts else 3
@staticmethod def disconnected(graph, sources): reachable_nodes = graph.reverse_bfs(sources) return set(graph.visible_nodes()) - reachable_nodes def pre(self, graph, vid): if graph.has_node(vid): return {(uid, graph["input"][uid, vid, key]) for uid, _, key in graph.in_edges(vid)} return set() def remove_act(self, graph, uid, act): for _, vid, key in graph.out_edges(uid): if graph["input"][uid, vid, key] == act: # print(f"\tHiding {uid}, {act}, edge:{uid, vid, key}") graph.hide_edge(uid, vid, key)
[docs]class PWinReach(models.Solver): def __init__(self, graph, final=None, player=1, **kwargs): """ Instantiates a sure winning reachability game solver. :param graph: (Graph instance) :param final: (iterable) A list/tuple/set of final nodes in graph. :param player: (int) Either 1 or 2. :param kwargs: SureWinReach accepts no keyword arguments. """ super(PWinReach, self).__init__(graph, **kwargs) self._player = player self._final = set(final) if final is not None else {n for n in graph.nodes() if self._graph["final"][n] == 0} self._strategy_graph = None
[docs] def solve(self): # Reset the solver self.reset() # Get final states final = self._final with tqdm(total=self._solution.number_of_nodes()) as progress_bar: # Identify the set of nodes from which a final state can be reached (i.e., there exists a path in graph) progress_bar.set_description("Running reverse BFS...") reachable_nodes = self._solution.reverse_bfs(final) # Hide the nodes in MDP. progress_bar.set_description("Marking node, edge winners...") for uid in self._solution.nodes(): progress_bar.update(1) self._node_winner[uid] = 1 if uid in reachable_nodes else 3 out_edges = self._solution.out_edges(uid) winning_acts = {self._solution["input"][uid, vid, key] for _, vid, key in out_edges if vid not in reachable_nodes} for _, vid, key in out_edges: self._edge_winner[uid, vid, key] = 1 if self._solution["input"][uid, vid, key] in winning_acts else 3 # Mark the game as solved. self._is_solved = True