Source code for ggsolver.graph

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import json
import os
import pickle
from functools import reduce

import networkx as nx
from ggsolver import util

class IGraph:
    Graph interface. A graphical model must implement a IGraph interface.
    def __init__(self):
        self._graph = None
        self._node_properties = dict()
        self._edge_properties = dict()
        self._graph_properties = dict()

    def __getitem__(self, pname):
        if pname in self._node_properties:
            return self._node_properties[pname]
        elif pname in self._edge_properties:
            return self._edge_properties[pname]
        elif pname in self._graph_properties:
            return self._graph_properties[pname]
            raise KeyError(f"{pname} is not a valid node/edge/graph property.")

    def __setitem__(self, pname, pmap):
        # Check if the property exists
        if pname in self._node_properties.keys():
            assert isinstance(pmap, NodePropertyMap)

        if pname in self._edge_properties.keys():
            assert isinstance(pmap, EdgePropertyMap)

        # Update property value
        if isinstance(pmap, NodePropertyMap):
            pmap.graph = self
            self._node_properties[pname] = pmap
        elif isinstance(pmap, EdgePropertyMap):
            pmap.graph = self
            self._edge_properties[pname] = pmap
            self._graph_properties[pname] = pmap

    def node_properties(self):
        """ Returns the node properties as a dictionary of {"property name": NodePropertyMap object}. """
        return self._node_properties

    def edge_properties(self):
        """ Returns the edge properties as a dictionary of {"property name": EdgePropertyMap object}. """
        return self._edge_properties

    def graph_properties(self):
        """ Returns the graph properties as a dictionary of {"property name": property value}. """
        return self._graph_properties

    def add_node(self):

    def add_nodes(self, num_nodes):

    def add_edge(self, uid, vid):

    def add_edges(self, edges):
        """ (uid, vid) pairs """

    def rem_node(self, uid):

    def rem_edge(self, uid, vid, key):

    def has_node(self, uid):

    def has_edge(self, uid, vid, key=None):

    def nodes(self):

    def edges(self):

    def successors(self, uid):

    def predecessors(self, uid):

    def neighbors(self, uid):

    def ancestors(self, uid):

    def descendants(self, uid):

    def in_edges(self, uid):

    def out_edges(self, uid):

    def number_of_nodes(self):

    def number_of_edges(self):

    def clear(self):

    def serialize(self):

    def deserialize(self, obj_dict):

    def has_property(self, pname):
        if pname in self._node_properties or pname in self._edge_properties or pname in self._graph_properties:
            return True
        return False

    def save(self, fpath, overwrite=False, protocol="json"):

    def load(self, fpath, protocol="json"):

[docs]class NodePropertyMap(dict): """ Implements a default dictionary that maps a node ID to its property value. To store data efficiently, only the non-default values are stored in the dictionary. Raises an error if the node ID is invalid. """
[docs] def __init__(self, graph, default=None): super(NodePropertyMap, self).__init__() self.graph = graph self.default = default
def __repr__(self): return f"<NodePropertyMap graph={repr(self.graph)}>" def __missing__(self, node): if self.graph.has_node(node): return self.default raise ValueError(f"[ERROR] NodePropertyMap.__missing__:: {repr(self.graph)} does not contain node {node}.") def __getitem__(self, node): try: return super(NodePropertyMap, self).__getitem__(node) except KeyError: return self.__missing__(node) def __setitem__(self, node, value): assert self.graph.has_node(node), f"Node {node} not in {self.graph}." if value != self.default: super(NodePropertyMap, self).__setitem__(node, value) def serialize(self): return { "default": self.default, "dict": {k: v for k, v in self.items()} } def deserialize(self, obj_dict): self.clear() self.default = obj_dict["default"] # Explicitly deserialize to ensure all keys are valid nodes. for k, v in obj_dict["dict"].items(): self[int(k)] = v
[docs]class EdgePropertyMap(dict): """ Implements a default dictionary that maps an edge (uid, vid, key) to its property value. To store data efficiently, only the non-default values are stored in the dictionary. Raises an error if the edge (uid, vid, key) is invalid. """
[docs] def __init__(self, graph, default=None): super(EdgePropertyMap, self).__init__() self.graph = graph self.default = default
def __repr__(self): return f"<EdgePropertyMap graph={repr(self.graph)}>" def __missing__(self, edge): if self.graph.has_edge(*edge): return self.default raise ValueError(f"[ERROR] EdgePropertyMap.__missing__:: {repr(self.graph)} does not contain node {edge}.") def __getitem__(self, edge): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, edge) except KeyError: return self.__missing__(edge) def __setitem__(self, node, value): if value != self.default: super(EdgePropertyMap, self).__setitem__(node, value) def serialize(self): return { "default": self.default, "dict": [{"edge": edge, "pvalue": pvalue} for edge, pvalue in self.items()] } def deserialize(self, obj_dict): self.clear() self.default = obj_dict["default"] # Explicitly deserialize to ensure all keys are valid edges. for item in obj_dict["dict"]: self[tuple(item["edge"])] = item["pvalue"]
[docs]class Graph(IGraph): """ A MultiDiGraph class represented as a 5-tuple (nodes, edges, node_properties, edge_properties, graph_properties). In addition, the graph implements a serialization protocol, save-load and drawing functionality. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(Graph, self).__init__() self._graph = nx.MultiDiGraph()
def __str__(self): return f"<Graph with |V|={self.number_of_nodes()}, |E|={self.number_of_edges()}>" def base_graph(self): return self._graph
[docs] def add_node(self): """ Adds a new node to the graph. :warning: Duplication is NOT checked. :return: (int) ID of the added node. """ uid = self._graph.number_of_nodes() self._graph.add_node(uid) return uid
[docs] def add_nodes(self, num_nodes): """ Adds multiple nodes to the graph. :warning: Duplication is NOT checked. :param num_nodes: (int) Number of nodes to be added. :return: (list) IDs of added nodes. """ return [self.add_node() for _ in range(num_nodes)]
[docs] def add_edge(self, uid, vid): """ Adds a new edge between the give nodes. :warning: Duplication is NOT checked. Hence, calling the function twice adds two parallel edges between the same nodes. :return: (int) Key of the added edge. Key = 0 means the first edge was added between the given nodes. If Key = k, then (k+1)-th edge was added. """ return self._graph.add_edge(uid, vid)
[docs] def add_edges(self, edges): """ Adds multiple edge between the give nodes. :warning: Duplication is NOT checked. Hence, calling the function twice adds two parallel edges between the same nodes. :return: (int) Key of the added edge. Key = 0 means the first edge was added between the given nodes. If Key = k, then (k+1)-th edge was added. """ return [self.add_edge(uid, vid) for uid, vid in edges]
[docs] def rem_node(self, uid): """ Removal of nodes is NOT supported. Use filtering instead. """ raise NotImplementedError("Removal of nodes is not supported. Use SubGraph instead.")
[docs] def rem_edge(self, uid, vid, key): """ Removal of edges is NOT supported. Use filtering instead. """ raise NotImplementedError("Removal of nodes is not supported. Use SubGraph instead.")
[docs] def has_node(self, uid): """ Checks whether the graph has the given node or not. :param uid: (int) Node ID to be checked for containment. :return: (bool) True if given node is in the graph, else False. """ return self._graph.has_node(uid)
[docs] def has_edge(self, uid, vid, key=None): """ Checks whether the graph has the given edge or not. :param uid: (int) Source node ID. :param vid: (int) Target node ID. :param key: If provided, checks whether the edge (u, v, k) is in the graph or not. Otherwise, checks if there exists an edge between nodes represented by uid and vid. :type key: int, optional :return: (bool) True if given edge is in the graph, else False. """ return self._graph.has_edge(uid, vid, key)
[docs] def nodes(self): """ List of all nodes in the graph. """ return list(self._graph.nodes())
[docs] def edges(self): """ List of all edges in the graph. Each edge is represented as a 3-tuple (uid, vid, key). """ return list(self._graph.edges(keys=True))
[docs] def successors(self, uid): """ List of all successors of the node represented by uid. """ return list(self._graph.successors(uid))
[docs] def predecessors(self, uid): """ List of all predecessors of the node represented by uid. """ return list(self._graph.predecessors(uid))
[docs] def neighbors(self, uid): """ List of all (in and out) neighbors of the node represented by uid. """ return list(self._graph.neighbors(uid))
[docs] def ancestors(self, uid): """ List of all nodes from which the node represented by uid is reachable. """ return list(nx.ancestors(self._graph, uid))
[docs] def descendants(self, uid): """ List of all nodes that can be reached from the node represented by uid. """ return list(nx.descendants(self._graph, uid))
[docs] def in_edges(self, uid): """ List of all in edges to the node represented by uid. """ return self._graph.in_edges(uid, keys=True)
def is_isomorphic_to(self, other: 'Graph'): """ Checks if the graph is isomorphic to the `other` graph. :param other: (:class:`Graph` object) Graph to be checked for isomorphism with current graph. :return: (bool) `True`, if graphs are isomorphic. Else, `False`. """ return nx.is_isomorphic(self._graph, other._graph)
[docs] def out_edges(self, uid): """ List of all out edges from the node represented by uid. """ return self._graph.out_edges(uid, keys=True)
[docs] def number_of_nodes(self): """ The number of nodes in the graph. """ return self._graph.number_of_nodes()
[docs] def number_of_edges(self): """ The number of edges in the graph. """ return self._graph.number_of_edges()
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clears all nodes, edges and the node, edge and graph properties. """ self._graph.clear() self._node_properties = dict() self._edge_properties = dict() self._graph_properties = dict()
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serializes the graph into a dictionary with the following format:: { "graph": { "nodes": <number of nodes>, "edges": { uid: {vid: key}, ... } "node_properties": { "property_name": { "default": <value>, "dict": { "uid": <property value>, ... } }, ... }, "edge_properties": { "property_name": { "default": <value>, "dict": [{"edge": [uid, vid, key], "pvalue": <property value>} ...] }, ... }, "graph_properties": { "property_name": <value>, ... } } } :return: (dict) Serialized graph """ # Initialize a graph dictionary graph = dict() # Add nodes graph["nodes"] = self.number_of_nodes() # Add edges graph["edges"] = dict() for uid in range(self.number_of_nodes()): successors = list(self.successors(uid)) if len(list(successors)) == 0: continue graph["edges"][uid] = dict() for vid in successors: graph["edges"][uid].update({vid: self._graph.number_of_edges(uid, vid)}) # Add node properties # graph["node_properties"] = self._node_properties # graph["edge_properties"] = { # prop_name: [ # { # "edge": edge, # "pvalue": pvalue # } # for edge, pvalue in prop_value.items() # ] # for prop_name, prop_value in self._edge_properties.items() # } graph["node_properties"] = {p_name: prop.serialize() for p_name, prop in self._node_properties.items()} graph["edge_properties"] = {p_name: prop.serialize() for p_name, prop in self._edge_properties.items()} graph["graph_properties"] = self._graph_properties # # Warn about any properties that were ignored. # ignored_attr = set(self.__dict__.keys()) - set(self._graph_properties.keys()) # print(util.BColors.WARNING, f"[WARN] Attributes {ignored_attr} were not serialized because they are not " # f"node/edge/graph properties.", util.BColors.ENDC) # TODO. Add metadata such as time of serialization, serializer version etc. obj_dict = {"graph": graph} # Return serialized object return obj_dict
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, obj_dict): """ Constructs a graph from a serialized graph object. The format is described in :py:meth:`Graph.serialize`. :return: (Graph) A new :class:`Graph` object.. """ # Instantiate new object obj = cls() # Get serialized graph object graph_dict = obj_dict["graph"] # Add nodes obj.add_nodes(num_nodes=int(graph_dict["nodes"])) # Add edges edges = graph_dict["edges"] for uid in edges: for vid in edges[uid]: for key in range(edges[uid][vid]): obj._graph.add_edge(int(uid), int(vid), key=int(key)) # Add properties for node_prop, np_value in graph_dict["node_properties"].items(): np_map = NodePropertyMap(graph=obj) # np_map.update({int(k): v for k, v in np_value.items()}) np_map.deserialize(np_value) obj[node_prop] = np_map for graph_prop, gp_value in graph_dict["graph_properties"].items(): obj[graph_prop] = gp_value for edge_prop, ep_value in graph_dict["edge_properties"].items(): ep_map = EdgePropertyMap(graph=obj) ep_map.deserialize(ep_value) obj[edge_prop] = ep_map # Return constructed object return obj
[docs] def save(self, fpath, overwrite=False, protocol="json"): """ Saves the graph to file. :param fpath: (str) Path to which the file should be saved. Must include an extension. :param overwrite: (bool) Specifies whether to overwrite the file, if it exists. [Default: False] :param protocol: (str) The protocol to use to save the file. Options: {"json" [Default], "pickle"}. .. note:: Pickle protocol is not tested. """ if not overwrite and os.path.exists(fpath): raise FileExistsError("File already exists. To overwrite, call, overwrite=True).") graph_dict = self.serialize() if protocol == "json": with open(fpath, "w") as file: json.dump(graph_dict, file, indent=2) elif protocol == "pickle": with open(fpath, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(graph_dict, file) else: raise ValueError(f" does not support '{protocol}' protocol. One of ['json', 'pickle'] expected")
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, fpath, protocol="json"): """ Loads the graph from file. :param fpath: (str) Path to which the file should be saved. Must include an extension. :param protocol: (str) The protocol to use to save the file. Options: {"json" [Default], "pickle"}. .. note:: Pickle protocol is not tested. """ if not os.path.exists(fpath): raise FileNotFoundError("File does not exist.") if protocol == "json": with open(fpath, "r") as file: obj_dict = json.load(file) graph = cls.deserialize(obj_dict) elif protocol == "pickle": with open(fpath, "rb") as file: obj_dict = pickle.load(file) graph = cls.deserialize(obj_dict) else: raise ValueError(f"Graph.load() does not support '{protocol}' protocol. One of ['json', 'pickle'] expected") return graph
[docs] def to_png(self, fpath, nlabel=None, elabel=None): """ Generates a PNG image of the graph. :param fpath: (str) Path to which the file should be saved. Must include an extension. :param nlabel: (list of str) Specifies the node properties to use to annotate a node in image. :param elabel: (list of str) Specifies the edge properties to use to annotate an edge in image. :warning: If the node labels are not unique, the generated figure may contain 0, 1, 2, ... that avoid duplication. """ max_nodes = 500 if self._graph.number_of_nodes() > max_nodes: raise ValueError(f"Cannot draw a graph with more than {max_nodes} nodes.") g = self._graph # If node properties to displayed are specified, process them. if nlabel is not None: g = nx.MultiDiGraph() # If more than one property is selected, then display as tuple. if len(nlabel) == 1: node_state_map = {n: self[prop][n] for prop in nlabel for n in self._graph.nodes()} else: node_state_map = {n: tuple(self[prop][n] for prop in nlabel) for n in self._graph.nodes()} # Add nodes to dummy graph for n in node_state_map.values(): g.add_node(str(n)) # If edge labels to be displayed are specified, process them. if elabel is not None: for u, v, k in self._graph.edges(keys=True): if len(elabel) == 1: g.add_edge(str(node_state_map[u]), str(node_state_map[v]), label=self[elabel[0]][(u, v, k)]) else: g.add_edge(str(node_state_map[u]), str(node_state_map[v]), label=tuple(self[prop][(u, v, k)] for prop in elabel)) else: for u, v, k in self._graph.edges(keys=True): g.add_edge(str(node_state_map[u]), str(node_state_map[v])) dot_graph = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(g) dot_graph.layout("dot") dot_graph.draw(fpath)
[docs] def is_isomorphic_to(self, other: 'Graph'): """ Checks if the graph is isomorphic to the `other` graph. :param other: (:class:`Graph` object) Graph to be checked for isomorphism with current graph. :return: (bool) `True`, if graphs are isomorphic. Else, `False`. """ return nx.is_isomorphic(self._graph, other._graph)
def base_graph(self): return self._graph def reverse(self): """ Return a SubGraph. """ return self._graph.reverse(copy=False) def bfs_layers(self, sources): return nx.bfs_layers(self._graph, sources) def reverse_bfs(self, sources): rev_graph = self._graph.reverse() reachable_nodes = set(reduce(set.union, list(map(set, nx.bfs_layers(rev_graph, sources))))) return reachable_nodes
class SubGraph(Graph): """ A MultiDiGraph class represented as a 5-tuple (nodes, edges, node_properties, edge_properties, graph_properties). In addition, the graph implements a serialization protocol, save-load and drawing functionality. """ def __init__(self, graph, hidden_nodes=None, hidden_edges=None): super(SubGraph, self).__init__() # Internal representation self._base_graph = graph self._graph = nx.subgraph_view(self._base_graph.base_graph(), self.is_node_visible, self.is_edge_visible) # self._hidden_nodes = set() if hidden_nodes is None else set(hidden_nodes) # self._hidden_edges = set() if hidden_edges is None else set(hidden_edges) self._hidden_nodes = NodePropertyMap(self._base_graph, default=False) self._hidden_edges = EdgePropertyMap(self._base_graph, default=False) self._base_graph["hidden_nodes"] = self._hidden_nodes self._base_graph["hidden_edges"] = self._hidden_edges # Initialize hidden nodes and edges if hidden_nodes is not None: for uid in hidden_nodes: self._hidden_nodes[uid] = True if hidden_edges is not None: for edge in hidden_edges: self._hidden_edges[edge] = True # Map node, edge and graph properties self._node_properties = graph._node_properties self._edge_properties = graph._edge_properties self._graph_properties = graph._graph_properties def __str__(self): return f"<SubGraph of {self._graph}>" def is_node_visible(self, uid): """ Is the node included in the subgraph? """ return not self._hidden_nodes[uid] def is_edge_visible(self, uid, vid, key): """ Is the node included in the subgraph? """ return not self._hidden_edges[(uid, vid, key)] def hide_node(self, uid): """ Removes the node from subgraph. Raises error if `uid` is not in base graph. If `uid` was hidden then no change is made. """ self._hidden_nodes[uid] = True def show_node(self, uid): """ Adds the node back to subgraph. Raises error if `uid` is not in base graph. If `uid` was already visible, then no change is made. """ self._hidden_nodes[uid] = False def hide_nodes(self, ulist): """ Removes multiples nodes from subgraph. """ map(self.hide_node, ulist) def show_nodes(self, ulist): """ Adds multiple nodes to subgraph. """ map(self.show_node, ulist) def hidden_nodes(self): """ Gets the list of nodes in base graph that are not in subgraph. """ return [uid for uid, value in self._hidden_nodes.items() if value is True] def visible_nodes(self): # return [uid for uid, value in self._hidden_nodes.items() if value is False] return list(set(self.nodes()) - set(self.hidden_nodes())) def number_of_visible_nodes(self): """ Gets the number of nodes in subgraph. """ return self.number_of_nodes() - len(self.hidden_nodes()) def hide_edge(self, uid, vid, key): """ Removes the edge from subgraph. No changes are made to base graph. """ self._hidden_edges[(uid, vid, key)] = True def show_edge(self, uid, vid, key): """ Adds the edge to subgraph. The edge must be a valid edge in base graph. """ self._hidden_edges[(uid, vid, key)] = False def hide_edges(self, elist): """ Removes multiple edge from subgraph. No changes are made to base graph. """ map(self.hide_edge, elist) def show_edges(self, elist): """ Adds multiple edges to subgraph. The edge must be a valid edge in base graph. """ map(self.show_edge, elist) def hidden_edges(self): """ Gets the list of edges from base graph that are not in subgraph. """ return [edge for edge, value in self._hidden_edges.items() if value is True] def visible_edges(self): # return [edge for edge, value in self._hidden_edges.items() if value is False] return list(set(self.edges()) - set(self.hidden_edges())) def number_of_visible_edges(self): """ Gets the number of edges in subgraph. """ return self.number_of_edges() - len(self.hidden_edges()) def add_node(self): """ Raises error. Nodes cannot be added to subgraph. See :meth:`SubGraph.hide_nodes` and :meth:`SubGraph.show_nodes`. """ raise PermissionError("Cannot add nodes to a SubGraph.") def add_nodes(self, num_nodes): """ Raises error. Nodes cannot be added to subgraph. See :meth:`SubGraph.hide_nodes` and :meth:`SubGraph.show_nodes`. """ raise PermissionError("Cannot add nodes to a SubGraph.") def add_edge(self, uid, vid): """ Raises error. Edges cannot be added to subgraph. See :meth:`SubGraph.hide_edges` and :meth:`SubGraph.show_edges`. """ raise PermissionError("Cannot add edges to a SubGraph.") def add_edges(self, edges): """ Raises error. Edges cannot be added to subgraph. See :meth:`SubGraph.hide_edges` and :meth:`SubGraph.show_edges`. """ raise PermissionError("Cannot add edges to a SubGraph.") def rem_node(self, uid): """ Raises error. Nodes cannot be removed to subgraph. See :meth:`SubGraph.hide_nodes` and :meth:`SubGraph.show_nodes`. """ raise NotImplementedError("Removal of nodes is not supported. Use SubGraph.hide_node() instead.") def rem_edge(self, uid, vid, key): """ Raises error. Edges cannot be removed to subgraph. See :meth:`SubGraph.hide_edges` and :meth:`SubGraph.show_edges`. """ raise NotImplementedError("Removal of nodes is not supported. Use SubGraph instead.") def has_node(self, uid): """ Checks whether the subgraph has the given node or not. Checks whether the node exists and is visible. :param uid: (int) Node ID to be checked for containment. :return: (bool) True if given node is in the graph, else False. """ return self._graph.has_node(uid) def has_edge(self, uid, vid, key=None): """ Checks whether the graph has the given edge or not. Checks whether the edge exists and is visible. :param uid: (int) Source node ID. :param vid: (int) Target node ID. :param key: If provided, checks whether the edge (u, v, k) is in the graph or not. Otherwise, checks if there exists an edge between nodes represented by uid and vid. :type key: int, optional :return: (bool) True if given edge is in the graph, else False. """ return self._graph.has_edge(uid, vid, key) def nodes(self): """ List of all nodes in the **subgraph**. """ return list(self._graph.nodes()) def edges(self): """ List of all edges in the **subgraph**. Each edge is represented as a 3-tuple (uid, vid, key). """ return list(self._graph.edges(keys=True)) def successors(self, uid): """ List of all successors of the node represented by uid. Includes only visible nodes reachable via visible edges. """ return list(self._graph.successors(uid)) def predecessors(self, uid): """ List of all predecessors of the node represented by uid. Includes only visible nodes reachable via visible edges. """ return list(self._graph.predecessors(uid)) def neighbors(self, uid): """ List of all (in and out) neighbors of the node represented by uid. Includes only visible nodes reachable via visible edges. """ return list(self._graph.neighbors(uid)) def ancestors(self, uid): """ List of all nodes from which the node represented by uid is reachable. Includes only visible nodes reachable via visible edges. """ return list(nx.ancestors(self._graph, uid)) def descendants(self, uid): """ List of all nodes that can be reached from the node represented by uid. Includes only visible nodes reachable via visible edges. """ return list(nx.descendants(self._graph, uid)) def in_edges(self, uid): """ List of all in edges to the node represented by uid. Includes only visible edges. """ return self._graph.in_edges(uid, keys=True) def out_edges(self, uid): """ List of all out edges from the node represented by uid. Includes only visible edges. """ return self._graph.out_edges(uid, keys=True) def number_of_nodes(self): """ The number of nodes in the **base** graph. """ return self._graph.number_of_nodes() def number_of_edges(self): """ The number of edges in the **base** graph. """ return self._graph.number_of_edges() def clear(self): """ Clears all nodes, edges and the node, edge and graph properties. .. warning:: The function is untested. # todo """ self._graph.clear() self._node_properties = dict() self._edge_properties = dict() self._graph_properties = dict() def serialize(self): """ Serializes the graph into a dictionary with the following format:: { "graph": { "nodes": <number of nodes>, "edges": { uid: {vid: key}, ... } "node_properties": { "property_name": { "default": <value>, "dict": { "uid": <property value>, ... } }, ... }, "edge_properties": { "property_name": { "default": <value>, "dict": [{"edge": [uid, vid, key], "pvalue": <property value>} ...] }, ... }, "graph_properties": { "property_name": <value>, ... } } } :return: (dict) Serialized graph """ obj_dict = self._base_graph.serialize() return obj_dict @classmethod def deserialize(cls, obj_dict): """ Constructs a graph from a serialized graph object. The format is described in :py:meth:`Graph.serialize`. :return: (Graph) A new :class:`Graph` object.. .. warning:: The function is untested. # todo """ # Instantiate new object obj = cls() # Get serialized graph object graph_dict = obj_dict["graph"] # Add nodes obj.add_nodes(num_nodes=int(graph_dict["nodes"])) # Add edges edges = graph_dict["edges"] for uid in edges: for vid in edges[uid]: for key in range(edges[uid][vid]): obj._graph.add_edge(int(uid), int(vid), key=int(key)) # Add properties for node_prop, np_value in graph_dict["node_properties"].items(): np_map = NodePropertyMap(graph=obj) # np_map.update({int(k): v for k, v in np_value.items()}) np_map.deserialize(np_value) obj[node_prop] = np_map for graph_prop, gp_value in graph_dict["graph_properties"].items(): obj[graph_prop] = gp_value for edge_prop, ep_value in graph_dict["edge_properties"].items(): ep_map = EdgePropertyMap(graph=obj) ep_map.deserialize(ep_value) obj[edge_prop] = ep_map # Return constructed object return obj def save(self, fpath, overwrite=False, protocol="json"): """ Saves the graph to file. :param fpath: (str) Path to which the file should be saved. Must include an extension. :param overwrite: (bool) Specifies whether to overwrite the file, if it exists. [Default: False] :param protocol: (str) The protocol to use to save the file. Options: {"json" [Default], "pickle"}. .. note:: Pickle protocol is not tested. """ if not overwrite and os.path.exists(fpath): raise FileExistsError("File already exists. To overwrite, call, overwrite=True).") graph_dict = self.serialize() if protocol == "json": with open(fpath, "w") as file: json.dump(graph_dict, file, indent=2) elif protocol == "pickle": with open(fpath, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(graph_dict, file) else: raise ValueError(f" does not support '{protocol}' protocol. One of ['json', 'pickle'] expected") @classmethod def load(cls, fpath, protocol="json"): """ Loads the graph from file. :param fpath: (str) Path to which the file should be saved. Must include an extension. :param protocol: (str) The protocol to use to save the file. Options: {"json" [Default], "pickle"}. .. note:: Pickle protocol is not tested. .. warning:: The function is untested. # todo """ if not os.path.exists(fpath): raise FileNotFoundError("File does not exist.") if protocol == "json": with open(fpath, "r") as file: obj_dict = json.load(file) graph = cls.deserialize(obj_dict) elif protocol == "pickle": with open(fpath, "rb") as file: obj_dict = pickle.load(file) graph = cls.deserialize(obj_dict) else: raise ValueError(f"Graph.load() does not support '{protocol}' protocol. One of ['json', 'pickle'] expected") return graph def to_png(self, fpath, nlabel=None, elabel=None): """ Generates a PNG image of the graph. :param fpath: (str) Path to which the file should be saved. Must include an extension. :param nlabel: (list of str) Specifies the node properties to use to annotate a node in image. :param elabel: (list of str) Specifies the edge properties to use to annotate an edge in image. :warning: If the node labels are not unique, the generated figure may contain 0, 1, 2, ... that avoid duplication. .. warning:: The function is untested. # todo """ max_nodes = 500 if self._graph.number_of_nodes() > max_nodes: raise ValueError(f"Cannot draw a graph with more than {max_nodes} nodes.") g = self._graph # If node properties to displayed are specified, process them. if nlabel is not None: g = nx.MultiDiGraph() # If more than one property is selected, then display as tuple. if len(nlabel) == 1: node_state_map = {n: self[prop][n] for prop in nlabel for n in self._graph.nodes()} else: node_state_map = {n: tuple(self[prop][n] for prop in nlabel) for n in self._graph.nodes()} # Add nodes to dummy graph for n in node_state_map.values(): g.add_node(str(n)) # If edge labels to be displayed are specified, process them. if elabel is not None: for u, v, k in self._graph.edges(keys=True): if len(elabel) == 1: g.add_edge(str(node_state_map[u]), str(node_state_map[v]), label=self[elabel[0]][(u, v, k)]) else: g.add_edge(str(node_state_map[u]), str(node_state_map[v]), label=tuple(self[prop][(u, v, k)] for prop in elabel)) else: for u, v, k in self._graph.edges(keys=True): g.add_edge(str(node_state_map[u]), str(node_state_map[v])) dot_graph = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(g) dot_graph.layout("dot") dot_graph.draw(fpath) def is_isomorphic_to(self, other: 'Graph'): """ Checks if the graph is isomorphic to the `other` graph. :param other: (:class:`Graph` object) Graph to be checked for isomorphism with current graph. :return: (bool) `True`, if graphs are isomorphic. Else, `False`. .. warning:: The function is untested. # todo """ return nx.is_isomorphic(self._graph, other._graph)